Groupe de Réflexion autour de la création du changement
Dans notre travail d’accompagnement à la création du changement (changemaker) professionnel ou bénévole, nous sommes toujours confrontés à des défis très spécifiques à notre métier. Et il est généralement insuffisant de demander de l’aide à nos amis ou aux membres de notre famille. NOW a des places ouvertes pour son nouvel outil de soutien […]
My Rumo Experience
I cannot clearly remember the date but I remember it was on the early days of December, 2019 when I received the call. I was back in my hometown; Nakuru, Kenya. The year had been eventful for me and I was ready for a challenge but was not sure what to make of my feelings […]
Helping Changemakers grow
Whether you are a professional or volunteer Changemaker, we are always facing challenges that are very specific for our line of work. And it is usually insufficient to ask for help from friends and family from other areas, because of the nature of these challenges. NOW has open spots for its new tool to support […]
Becoming aware of my lens
Kosovo – I must admit that I did not know much about it, before participating in EUtopia – Diversity in Changing Europe training brought me to Prizren, a city in southern Kosovo touching borders with Albania. This place became for me the embodiment of different identities, realities and stories that made me question what I […]
I Am Strong Because I Am Not Afraid To Be Vulnerable
“Do not cry! Never” That’s what I have been telling myself all my life. It has become the first rule on my “List of rules for survival”, together with Rule 2 “Don’t trust anyone” and Rule 3 “Don’t hug”, and it has been a part of my existence since I remember myself. I have always perceived […]
Honest Self-management 1.0
I used to you believe that deadlines are there to be postponed until the very last minute. That I can accomplish anything within 24 hours. But then, 9 months ago, I have started working for NOW and it brought about a huge change in my life. Suddenly, there was no-one overseeing my tasks, I was […]
Getting into the FLOW
Here’s how I experienced the first weeks of the online course FLOW: I started 2017 determined to make it my best year yet. I took the decision to move out of Switzerland and go back to my home country Brazil to accelerate my career transition from Marketing into Visual Arts. I saw FLOW would focus […]
What is coaching and why should we try it?
A lot of things happen when you start doing a ‘social impact project’. I did a few and experienced a lot of personal and practical challenges. It calls upon strengths like perseverance, flexibility, asking for help and sometimes letting go of initial ideas. It is also a challenge to implement a project next to other […]